Hello! Thanks for stopping by. You can check out some of my past work below.
Scaling CanvasLayer
Eliminate black bars and content reveal in Godot
A custom CanvasLayer that scales the viewport contents to always cover the full window area with no black bars, no content reveal, and no distortions.
Bandwidth monitor for WRT-based routers
A more featured version of wrtbwmon written in ash.
BAckup and REstore script for websites
A command-line website backup solution in bash using rsync and mysql.
Course Activities Block
Display Moodle course activities in a block
A configurable block that facilitates course navigation and activity completion toggling.
Vimeo API
Setup the Vimeo API in Moodle
A simple plugin to help setup and utilize the Vimeo API for getting album/video data.
Extended Info
Define custom fields for Moodle
Adds custom fields for categories, courses, and modules.
Retrieves most visited Moodle courses/modules
Scans the logstore to determine which courses/modules are the most frequently visited.
3D Modeling
Demo Reel
My demo reel from Ex’pression College for Digital Arts
I specialized in hard-surface and environmental modeling at Ex’pression in 2007.
Nicholas C. Yang, Andrew S. Forsberg, Jason F. Shepherd, Ricardo M. Garcia, and Karl G. Merkley. Mark-It: A Marking User Interface for Cutting Decomposition Time. In Proceedings of the 13th International Meshing Roundtable, Williamsburg, VA, Sandia National Laboratories, SAND #2004-3765C, pp.231-242, September 19-22 2004.